Hello Everyone!
I'm not sure how you stumbled across my site, but I'm glad you did & when you leave, I hope you will be glad you did too!
I have designed this blog for those interested in saving money on events and ventures in a struggling economy.
My first blog is about having a (BEAUTIFUL) wedding for under $3000 for up to 180 guests.
I will blog about my spending and all the DIY projects I do.
I think it's ridiculous to spend the "American average $22,000" on a ONE DAY EVENT!
You can have a new car, paid-in-full for that amount, or a down-payment on a new house.
Caution: This should work for those that are not afraid of a lot of DIY. If you can't put a little elbow grease into your project, then it probably won't work. But if you don't mind getting your hands dirty to avoid paying someone to do things you are capable of doing, then you should be successful!
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